Cashmere Italian shawls are the pride of my collection!
There is a factory on Lake Como that only works with luxury brands - Balenciaga, Gucci, and they also produce fabrics for the Vatican.
This factory is the best in the world and it is there where the image of my paintings is transferred to the fabric and the color reproduction on the scarves is amazing, I have something to compare it with!
The cloth for the kerchiefs in my collection is made near Florence. That's where the best wool and silk fabrics famous all over the world were created since the 14th century. I use in my collection a natural fabric of two components - modal and cashmere. It is lightweight, breathable and very comfortable to the body. This fabric is transported to the Lake Como factory to be printed. Modern technology allows the image to be transferred to the textile with photographic precision. This is how the image of my paintings is transferred to the fabric and a real work of art is born!
Gifts from the Heart! Emotions from the Soul!
*You can add the name during your order creating. Hand wash is possible.